Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #9

I often get people asking me what are the healthiest foods I should be eating. I would prefer to take a diet history of these people to give them a set a meals that compliments their food likes/dislikes as examples, but without doing that, I have a few suggestions.

First off, everyone should be eating a variety of foods. Eating every "color of the rainbow" is a good visual.

Also, the majority of peoples' diets should consist of whole, unprocessed foods; such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low fat dairy. Furthermore, don't forget about drinking plenty of water.

As mentioned before, greasy fast foods and sodas are a sure fire way to be UNhealthy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #8

#8 Look up the Nutritional Facts
Ever go out to eat and wonder how many calories you just consumed? Look it up! There are several websites dedicated to providing the public with this kind of information.
• www.calorieking.com
• www.nutritiondata.com
• www.mypyramidtracker.gov

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #7

Stray away from Processed Foods
Although they may be convenient, processed foods can take a toll on your health. Processed foods are usually high in sodium, fat, sugar, and low in fiber. Cook instead of eating out whenever you can, and try making your own spaghetti sauce, soups, and salad dressing.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #6

Look at Food Nutrition Labels
You will be amazed when you start looking at the Food Nutrition labels of what you’re eating. Try to stay true to the serving size and pay close attention to amount of calories, fat, sugar, and sodium the food product contains.