Monday, April 27, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #5

#5 Drink plenty of water, not sugar

Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of ice cold water every day. Save the sugary sports drinks for only when you need them; like after playing a sport or a vigorous work out.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #4

Eat more whole grains!

Try switching to whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bagels, whole wheat tortillas, whole wheat bread, whole wheat muffins, whole wheat pizza crust, whole wheat buns, and/or whole wheat rice by substituting one product, once a week.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the Week #3

Eat more fruits and vegetables!
Sneak more fruit in your diet by adding it to your morning cereal, making smoothies, taking fruit to school or work to snack on, and eating it for dessert.
Get more vegetables in your diet by eating at least one serving of vegetables at lunch AND dinner every day. Add vegetables to pizza, pasta sauces, potatoes, eggs, and more!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nutrition Tip of the week #2

Try to get exercise whenever and wherever you can! Every little bit helps.
  • Try cleaning the living room, kitchen, or wash dishes while watching TV instead of sitting on the couch
  • Try to limit your TV watching / stationary video game playing to no more than an hour a day; chances are if you are not watching TV, you are doing something other than just sitting on the couch
  • Don't be afraid to park a little farther away
  • Always take the stairs instead of the elevator (If you don't know where the stairs are, ask!)
  • Take a 20-30 minute walk most days of the week